How to enter:
  1. Complete the Register Your Interest Form
  2. Complete the Submission Form
To enter you will need to create a sustainable and wearable outfit from items of clothing or other textiles that already exist. These can be sourced from your own wardrobe, from charity shops or other reuse channels or they can be donations from friends or family. You should not buy anything new to create your outfit. Please ensure you take Before and After photos to include in your Submission Form and Storyboard.
You should create your outfit using a combination of creative reuse techniques such as repairs and alterations, upcycling and repurposing and visible mending as well as more traditional skills such as sewing, knitting, crochet and macramé and embroidery. Please ensure you document all design and creation processes used to include in your Storyboard.
In the Submission Form you are also asked to carry out a body of research into the types of fabric your items are made from, the environmental and social impacts of these types of fabric as well as what reuse/recycling options are available for them.
You will need to submit a Storyboard and a Video of your outfit as part of your submission form. Both of these will give the Judges a greater insight into the design processes and skills used in the creation of your outfit. Details about the storyboard and video can be found here  
Register your application before the 30th of September 2022 to be in with a chance to win a sewing machine for your school.
Relove Fashion Competition Entry Checklist:
  1. Registration: Register Your Interest Form
  2. Submission: Complete Submission Form 
  3. Teachers Information Pack
  4. Past Inspiration session Filmed on 2nd November 2021. View here
  5. Information session filmed on 20th September 2022 View here
  6. Inspiration session filmed on 14th October 2022. View here
  7. Deadline for submissions: January 2024
    The completed Submission Form should include:
     - Before and After Photos of Your Outfit
     - Photos of your Storyboard - Please ensure any text is legible and images are clear,
     - Video of your outfit
  5. Shortlisting February 2024
  6. Grand Final: March 2024